Mind-Body Exercises
The only two things that you really own in this world are your Mind and your Body. Everything else that you own belongs to you through contracts.
Learning the Mind-Body-Temple concept: Your Mind is your Temple, Your Body is Your Temple, Keep your Temple Clean!
This is a secular concept and has nothing to do with your belief system. It’s goal is reminding you of the precious gifts that the nature has given you and you have full ownership and control on them: Your Mind and your Body. Keep your Mind and body clean-healthy and you live an elevated life.
Mind: Changing the way we look at things
Practice example: If you are reading this it means that you have survived all of your previous challenges in your life, so we can communicate today. During many of those challenges you might have felt quite overwhelmed and thought you would never pass through those hurdles. But you did pass through them. What does this history teach us? The rule of IMPERMANENCE: Nothing is permanent in this world and change is the only constant rule of this universe. One can say that the only permanent rule of this world is Impermanence. Nothing is permanent, including our challenges. Your life history is a witness to this rule. You have been always able to endure your challenges, solve them or find a way out of them.
So the next time you are feeling overwhelmed with a new challenge, like the new COVID-19 related challenges, remind yourself that nothing is permanent and these challenges will pass too. All we have to do it to believe in change and follow all hygiene recommendations to survive through this period of difficult times.
Body: Changing the way we act
Practice example: There are many researches that prove our physical outlook affects our body sensations, feelings and thoughts. You may find it interesting to know that researchers have shown keeping a good posture, sitting in dignified positions and keeping a smile on face have strong effects on the way one would feel and ultimately affect the way one would think. It is proven by research that better feelings make it easier to think positively. The fact that it takes practice to improve our outlook posture is an indirect way of implying to our brain that we are taking control. The feeling of being in control is a great aid in resolving Anxiety and Depression. With less anxiety and depression we will have better level of health including better immune system function.
A healthier Mind and Body will have better strength and resilience. This means better chance to beat challenges like COOVID-19.
Keep your Mind-Body-Temple clean.