Cortisone is the general name we give to a group of medications called corticosteroids. Our body naturally makes corticosteroids from our adrenal glands. It is called cortisol and our body uses it to deal with stressful situations. When we face a stress the levels of serum cortisol increases. It gives our body a boost by series of effects like increasing the blood sugar level and increasing the energy to fight the situation.
In Medicine we use Cortisone for reducing inflammation. In fact cortisone family is one of the best anti-inflammatory family of medications we have. We divide arthritic diseases into two big classes of inflammatory and degenerative. Cortisone is used in inflammatory types of arthritis to reduce inflammation. Inflammatory elements that are released by inflamed tissues cause pain and tissue destructions. That is why the use of cortisone reduces pain in these patients. Many non arthritic conditions like bulging discs or plantar faciitis also may respond well to cortisone.
This family of medications comes in different forms like pills, creams, sprays and injections. We use cortisone injection to deliver this medication exactly to the area of inflammation. Recently by use of image guidance through X-Ray, ultrasound or CT scan the use of cortisone has improved as the precision of injection has increased.
Cortisone has side effects as well. It can weaken ligaments an tendons. It can also increase blood sugar in diabetic patients. Some patients gain weight, grow facial hairs, have skin color changes at the site of injection, develop osteoporosis or sometimes bone necrosis in hip due to this medication.
It is very important that this medication be used appropriately for proper indication and the right amount.
Cortisone can be a miracle maker, only if used appropriately.