Today practice on counting the organs and parts of your body that are working. Many parts are working well for you, COUNT THEM NOW!
The most valuable thing to gain is INNER PEACE,can you afford not having it? You have infinite capacity for it,SEEK MORE PEACE NOW!
Today practice on feeling one with the universe, as wind is one with the air or wave is one with the ocean. You are the universe!
With ZEN,benefits will happen but don’t focus on future benefits, you are to be present HERE AND NOW.Just do it, changes will come!
Today practice LIVING the FULL DAY:seeing,hearing,smelling,tasting,feeling WITHOUT JUDGING.BE FULLY PRESENT in all senses HERE&NOW!
The highest power of SELF HEALING is found in helping others to heal.The ULTIMATE HIGH is in serving others selflessly. TRY IT NOW!
You can quiet the chatter in mind by practice.If you think #ZEN is not for you, you are the best person to benefit from it,Try it!
Be MINDFUL of millions of people living in refugee camps,unsafe with no comfort,I have seen it live,makes you more humble in life!!
When you’r at your worst and feel you can’t go on any more,there are millions that would change place with you in a second.REMEMBER
Practice MINDFUL SHOWER! Next time you take a shower,Try to BE really there,Stop thinking and feel the flow of water on you,TRY IT!