Here you will find an instructional guide for home exercise that has been created to help you manage your chronic elbow pain or condition.
Try these exercises at least twice a day – after you wake up in the morning and before going to bed at night. It is important to note that you should have a conversation with your care provider before initiating a new physical activity regimen that may affect your condition.
Getting Started
Warmup: Warm up with 5 to 10 minutes of low-impact activity, such as walking or riding a stationary bicycle, before performing the following exercises.
Stretch: Stretching exercises should be done after the warm-up before moving on to strengthening activities. When you’ve finished the strengthening exercises, move on to the stretching exercises to finish the program.
Do not ignore pain: During an exercise, you should not feel any pain. If you experience pain while exercising, consult your doctor or a physical therapist.
Ask questions: If you are unsure how to perform an exercise or how frequently you should perform it, consult your doctor or physical therapist.