When a painful experience is not controlled, in some cases it can spread to other places with time. When the pain turns from acute to chronic, many changes happen over time. Many pathways that would normally be controlled and closed by gates or other inhibitory pathways would be excited and transmit pain signals to brain. This would facilitate sending pain signals to the level that at times non painful messages could be bunched up with the painful signals and become interpreted as pain messages. As a result of this mixed signals, pain can be perceived in previously non affected areas.
The earlier a pain condition is properly diagnosed and treated the better would be the chances that these terrible changes would not happen. In many case early mobilization of an injured area would prevent further stiffness, muscle loss and joint tightness. Preventing these from happening are important factors for prevention of acute pain turning into chronic pain and spreading of pain to other areas.
Do not let a pain condition drag along for long enough to cause all these changes as some of them may not be reversible once they are established. Seek help from your doctor and start physical therapy under supervision earlier than later, so your body can have the best chances of recovery.