By the current understanding Fibromyalgia is a syndrome of central nervous system when the inhibitory pathways in our nervous system are not able to inhibit the sensory signals that in turn get over activated or translated as pain signals. Basicaly our ability of naturally control and manage sensory signals becomes less. There are many medications approved for Fibromyalgia like Lyrica or Cymbalta and many more to come in future, but the real management of Fibromyalgia is through life style adjustments. It is important to keep a regular plan of exercise, meditation and proper diet. Positive thinking and relaxation exercises are important. We don’t need to spend large amounts of money to go for these treatments.
There are many online resources that can be used to learn all these self management ways. Once a Fibromyalgia patient gets used to doing these activities then the nervous system would gradually adapt itself into a more functional state. It is a very difficult struggle and at the end, the answer comes from inside, not from the doctor.
Dr. Kevin ROD