How much of what our health condition is today can be considered a product of our life experience? The fact is that our Biography, or what we have gone
Our biography affects our biology |
through since birth has significant effect on our Biology today. Our life experiences have a deep impact on our life right down to the cellular and genetic level.
Our stress, nutrition, environmental condition, activities, thoughts and emotions are major factors that influence our Biology and our overall well-being.
At first glance this may be a bit depressing because what happened in the past is done and we can’t change it so the damages are permanently sketched in our history. It is true that we can’t change how we started in this life and what we went through since birth but we can impact, change and control how we are going to live our lives from now on.
Upon reflection, what happens from now on in our lives, pleasant and unpleasant, will be part of our personal Biography. We can shape our Biology from this point on.
The concept of MIND BODY TEMPLE is in line with this belief that our way of thinking affects our way of being. Our thoughts affect our emotions and our emotions affect our body sensations. This path is inter-connected and by improving our body sensations we can affect our emotions and through our emotions, positive thinking emerges.
This brings attention to the most sacred phenomenon in this universe: LIFE, is the essence of the MIND BODY TEMPLE CONCEPT. Through the power of positive thinking and through proper health initiative we can change and improve our BIOLOGY with the ultimate result in improving our Biography.