37 posts
New Treatments for Brain Diseases
Look at the amazing work of medicine and technology for many brain conditions. The future is getting brighter for brain diseases.
Art Therapy and Chronic Pain
Art therapy can help chronic pain patients. It is more than just changing the focus from PAIN to ARTS. It changes the quality of life and allows a chronic pain…
Phantom Limb Pain
Phantom Limb Pain is the pain of a limb that does not exist. Most of the times it happens after amputation. Although the amputated limb does not exist anymore, the…
Free Your Mind With Music
Relax and enjoy, the immediate benefits will be pleasant. Spiritual music can free your mind from focusing on your pain. Art is a beautiful method of therapy. Check this out.…
VS Ramachandran: The neurons that shaped civilization | Video on
This video talks about how our brain works and the effects of it on our activities.