Often when we try doing something and find it difficult, we may feel it’s not for us. Meditation is based on a simple principle of emptying our mind, but most people may never be able to completely empty their mind. Does it mean that meditation is not for them? The truth is: You don’t need to do it perfectly in order to benefit from it. Meditation has many positive health effects that can help us through these stressful days. Research has showed that the positive health effects of Meditation are not dependent to any specific type of meditation. It appears that the sole fact of trying to bring the mind to present moment has positive health effects. Also it’s the attempt of doing it, getting the practices done and trying to calm the mind down that bring about the effects, not the perfection in performance. If we have difficulty in calming our mind, then it actually means that meditation is for us more than anyone else.
So the next time that you get distracted when trying to meditate and find it difficult to focus, remind yourself that this is the actual reason why meditation is for you and why you need it.
It’s okay not to be perfect in doing many things, you will still benefit from doing them. Like when you work out, do stretching or any other type of exercise, it does not matter if you can’t do them perfectly. You will still benefit from doing the exercises. Mind practices are the same. When we go to school we may never be the perfect student and learn everything, but over time we learn a lot and many of the things we liked the best will stay with us for a long time. Meditation is the same. Overtime with practice we develop more inner peace, compassion, patience and happiness. Keep practicing and you will see the effects.