Care for self: ultimate responsibility |
The concept of MIND BODY TEMPLE is a cross cultural foundation for valuing our body and mind to improve our life. Our body and mind are interconnected. I do not use this term as Mind and Body as I believe the BODY AND MIND IS ONE INTERCONNECTED EXISTENCE.
For this reason I use the term MIND BODY TEMPLE. Without a reasonably healthy body our mind would not be at its best performance. Without a balanced mind our body would suffer the consequences of anxiety, depression and many other ailments. If we align our mind with nature’s way, inner peace will emerge but in the context of a healthy body we can keep the balanced mind going for as long as our light is shining.
The connected and balanced Mind Body is the only vehicle we have in the path to happiness and peace. It is so essential and unique to us that we can call it sacred. Our Mind Body is the sacred environment where the experience of our life takes place. It is our only vehicle, the only real thing we truly possess. It is the most important part of this universe to us, when our existence actually happens. This is our TEMPLE.
Regardless of our type of belief system, culture or heritage, the fact of the matter is that this is OUR OWN TEMPLE. It is through this temple that we look at the world and play our role in this universe in some form or shape, having religion or culture or belonging to any region or country. Everything related to our life emerges from here. It is so unique that only happens once in the whole history of the universe for the duration of our lifetime. This temple has never existed before and will never exist again after our time. This is our own unique TEMPLE.
Like a sacred temple we should honour it, protect it, make it solid and keep it clean. This is where our mind resides it’s our window to both outside and inside our existence. Paying attention to self is different from being selfish. In fact, it is the ultimate level of being responsible. One who is not responsible to self would have difficulties being responsible for others. Once we take good care of our MIND BODY TEMPLE and reach a better level of health, as well as, inner peace, then others can be protected by this temple as well.