If you verbalize in your mind everything you are doing for a while, your mind will stay at present and peace. Try it and enjoy it.
The most important destination in our life is not reached by going anywhere, but by coming back to our real self, here and now.
Positive Thoughts affect Emotions leading to Body Sensations, but this goes both ways. Improve Thoughts by harmonic body motions!
The Greatness of Being Nobody! We get caught up in position and possession. Greatness comes by being Nobody and connecting to all.
The only Permanent rule in this universe is impermanence. If we believe that, we can believe any bad situation is not permanent!
Research shows your Posture affects your Mood. The way you look affects the way you feel. Look straight and strong to feel strong!
This is the BEST TIME of your life. The ONLY TIME there is: The PRESENT TIME. Enjoy the only time you have which is the best time!
The difference between seeing and LOOKING, touching and FEELING, hearing and LISTENING is the difference between BEING here or not.